UPDATE Thursday 3:42 pm: Deputy City Clerk Kaley Cook has supplied the following comment: “The City Clerk role is definitely something I will consider. I enjoy the duties of the Clerk’s Office and what is most important to me is that I’m in a role that utilizes my skills and is the most beneficial to the City and residents.”
PALM COAST – The new push by the City of Palm Coast to expand its borders into west Flagler County will be headed up by one of the city’s most seasoned professionals: City Clerk Virginia Smith. According to a statement sent by the city on Wednesday, Smith will transition from her City Clerk role to that of Land Management Administrator within the city’s Community Development Department.
“Ms. Smith is the most experienced personnel on this topic, which will allow for a smooth transition,” said Communications Director Brittany Kershaw in the statement. “This amplified role will ensure that we continue to properly manage our land assets with the highest level of diligence, and Ms. Smith’s legal background will provide the necessary skills required for land use policies and regulations and any needed changes to City ordinances.”
As Smith moves into her new role, the Palm Coast city government will soon begin its search for a new City Clerk. One name impossible to ignore in the matter is Kaley Cook, the Deputy City Clerk who has received glowing praise during her time in the role. Cook recently earned her Certified Municipal City Clerk designation, a timely accolade for the new job opening. She has been contacted by AskFlagler about whether she plans on applying, and any response will be added to this article.
“I am super excited to start this new challenge,” said Smith in a prepared comment. “I’ve watched the City grow and now we’re going to continue to grow immensely, and it’s important to me that I am able to utilize my skills where necessary to help the City into the future.”
Chris Gollon is a Flagler County resident since 2004, as well as a staple of the local independent music scene and avid observer of Central Florida politics, arts, and recreation.