According to a press release Wednesday, the Flagler County Public Library is planning an event to honor members of United States armed forces who were prisoners of war or missing in action. The theme will be a “White Table Ceremony”, in which a white cloth is utilized to represent the purity of motives of the servicemen and women whom the event honors.
The ceremony will commence at 12:00pm on Wednesday, November 10th. In addition to the white cloth, several other exhibitions will be in place symbolizing the sacrifices of those in the armed services. A candle will stand to mark the frailty of prisoners of war, with a black ribbon to represent the possibility they won’t come home.
A rose will represent the soldiers’ families, awaiting their return. A lemon slice and salt will stand for the bitterness of the soldiers’ fate, and the tears of their family members. Ribbons will be worn for those who await the soldiers’ return, a faded picture will be placed in honor of their memory, and a number of chairs will be tipped, marking where they’d be if they were present.
“I’m glad the library hosts this ceremony each year,” said County Administrator Heidi Petito. “It’s important to honor our current service men and women, as well as our veterans, and especially to remember those who never returned.”
Those who wish to participate in honoring missing and captured soldiers from the Air Force, Army, Marines, Navy, and Coast Guard are invited to attend the ceremony at the Public Library, located at 2500 Palm Coast Parkway Northwest. Per Library Director Holly Albanese, “The POW/MIA Honor Guard Detachment of 157 Air Force ROTC at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University will perform the ceremony. Refreshments will follow, provided by the Friends of the Library.”
Chris Gollon is a Flagler County resident since 2004, as well as a staple of the local independent music scene and avid observer of Central Florida politics, arts, and recreation.