In a text update sent out Tuesday afternoon, the Florida Department of Health in Flagler County announced that COVID-19 vaccines will now go out to those 60 years and older, down from the previous 65 year-old cutoff. Registration for this new phase of distribution will begin on Monday, March 15th, and pre-registration information can be found at the state government’s vaccination portal.
In addition to any residents who meet the age threshold, the Health Department has also been distributing vaccines to the following at-risk groups:
- Healthcare workers with direct patient contact.
- Sworn Law Enforcement Officers 50 years old or older.
- Firefighters 50 years old or older.
- K-12 School Employees 50 years old or older.
- Daycare, PreK-12 School Employees (any age).
- Those individuals deemed extremely vulnerable to COVID-19 by a physician who completes the required FL Department of Health Form that must be presented at the vaccination site. However, these individuals may only receive a vaccine administered by a physician, APRNs and pharmacist.
Each group is eligible for vaccination at any of Flagler County’s vaccination sites, except for daycare and PreK-12 school employees and vulnerable individuals, who can receive vaccines at federally-support vaccination sites and some pharmacies.

Updated data on vaccine distribution by county. ⓒ Florida Department of Health
Eligible Flagler residents can receive a vaccine in a variety of locations, including pharmacies (AdventHealth, Publix, Walmart, Winn-Dixie, CVS), federally supported sites (one each in Jacksonville and Orlando), and at the Department of Health’s location at the Flagler County Fairgrounds on Sawgrass Road in Bunnell. Appointments are currently required at each of these locations.
COVID vaccine eligibility is decided at the state level by the governor. The Department of Health is also taking a list of names to receive at-home vaccination appointments, but warns that the wait time may be long as supplies gradually become more available. Text updates on vaccine and testing accessibility can be received by texting ‘FLAGLERCOVID’ to 888-777.
As of Monday, over 3.6 million Floridians have received one or multiple doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Yesterday 111 Flagler residents received a vaccine, out of a total 27,042 that have been vaccinated so far.
For further information on COVID-19 vaccines visit the Florida Department of Health in Flagler County’s update site.
Chris Gollon is a Flagler County resident since 2004, as well as a staple of the local independent music scene and avid observer of Central Florida politics, arts, and recreation.