FLAGLER BEACH – The beloved Flagler Beach restaurant Beach Front Grille will be staying right where it is, as the restaurant secured the funds to purchase their building at the last moment on Wednesday. The news came as a welcome relief to the business’ patrons, many of whom had become worried they’d see one of Flagler Beach’s most iconic oceanfront restaurants go away.
Jamie Bordeau, one of two co-owners of the restaurant, entered into a mediated agreement to purchases the building they’d been renting for nine years back in June. That placed the onus on him and co-owner Dudley Shaw to produce $2.25 million by January 31st, 2024. As of last week, they only had $1.7 million, well short of what they’d need to keep going. Bordeau shared that he viewed it as a coin-toss chance they’d get to the finish line.
“We’re here to stay,” Bordeau said when he was finally able to confirm their success. “We couldn’t have done it without all the great support from our community in Flagler Beach.” The announcement was met with widespread celebration, as a cascade of impacts to the business’ employees and to local restaurant scene as a whole were thankfully avoided.
“We are open by the grace of God, it came down to minutes,” the Beach Front Grille went on to say on their official Facebook page. “A heartfelt thank you to everyone for the incredible love and support. The overwhelming response from the community has been truly heartwarming. Gratitude to each person who stepped up to help in this situation. We’re looking forward to continuing to serve you all.”Bordeau was already making preparations to find alternate jobs for the Beach Front Grille staff at the other two restaurants he owns, Loopers and The Landing Strip, both in Palm Coast. Even that, he said, wouldn’t have been enough to find jobs for everyone he’d have to let go if the sale didn’t go through. Luckily, no such arrangements will be necessary.
Chris Gollon is a Flagler County resident since 2004, as well as a staple of the local independent music scene and avid observer of Central Florida politics, arts, and recreation.