The East Flagler Mosquito Control District approved plans on Monday to expand their coverage over the entire county. The board, consisting of three elected commissioners, voted 3-0 in favor of plans outlined by Mark Positano, the district director. Expansion will consist of three phases, taking place over a three to five year period:
- Phase 1: District boundary expansion to CSX rail line at Palm Coast and to the west and to the South including Plantation Bay down to US-1.
- Phase 2: Neoga Lake and Old Brick township PUDs (planned unit developments) in Palm Coast and the Hunter Ridge PUD in 2-3 years.
- Phase 3: Additional areas in 3-5 years.

Monday morning’s meeting spanned 65 minutes, from the Pledge of Allegiance at 10:00 to adjournment at 11:05. ⓒ AskFlagler
The board also outlined an action plan to implement Phase 1. The phase should be completed by around early 2022, and mailers are planned for residents of Sawmill Estates, Korona, Eagle Rock, and Plantation Bay (the board approved $20,000 for such mailers earlier in the meeting). A public workshop was also set for August 4th at 6:00 pm. Ralph Lightfoot, the board’s Seat 3 commissioner, advocated for the later starting time and Wednesday date so citizens wouldn’t have to choose between the workshop and their jobs, or a concurrent City Council or County Commission meeting.
Once Positano finished going over the action plan with the board, it went to a vote. Seat 2 commissioner Mike Martin made the motion, and Lightfoot seconded. Seat 1 commissioner Jules Kwiatkowski provided the third vote, making it unanimous. The board will be bringing plans before the Flagler County Board of Commissioners for final approval.
Also of note at Monday morning’s meeting: Resolution 2021-04 and Budget Amendment 2021-03 were approved, establishing the Aircraft Capital Outlay Fund and transferring $200,000 from the General Fund Capital Reserves to it immediately. Commissioner Martin recounted having met with numerous elected officials recently about plans moving forward, including state representative Paul Renner, former Palm Coast Mayor Milissa Holland and former Palm Coast City Manager Matt Morton. Martin has an upcoming appointment with State Senator Travis Hutson as well, and he reiterated that relations with the City of Palm Coast are uncertain until a new Mayor and City Manager are appointed later this year.
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Further, Mike Martin will be in attendance at Tuesday’s Palm Coast City Council meeting to approve a proclamation of Mosquito Control Awareness Week. The next Mosquito Control meeting will take place on Monday, August 19th at 10:00 am.

The East Flagler Mosquito Control District Board of Commissioners, L-R: Jules Kwiatkowski, Mike Martin, and Ralph Lightfoot. ⓒ AskFlagler
Chris Gollon is a Flagler County resident since 2004, as well as a staple of the local independent music scene and avid observer of Central Florida politics, arts, and recreation.