Editor’s Note: Flagler Beach City Manager Dale Martin publishes, from time to time, a report he calls ‘Friday Footnotes’ updating residents on current happenings and topics in Flagler Beach.
This is the December 13th, 2024 edition of that report, published here with his cooperation.
I have now been working and living in Flagler Beach for nearly eighteen months. From the time that I first visited Flagler Beach as a candidate for the city manager last year, I have found this community to be incredibly welcoming. People are friendly and engaging, and I am very happy to be here. I expect that many of you enjoy hosting family and friends when they visit. It is wonderful to share the sunrises, the local businesses, the incredible restaurants, and the natural beauty of Flagler Beach. As it is often said, we get to live here.
As the full force of the annual holiday season hits us, we get pulled in so many directions with so many commitments and obligations. November’s long Thanksgiving weekend, December’s First Friday and Holiday Parade, leading to more holidays in late December- so much to do with family and friends. I expect that some residents are like me this Christmas, though: I don’t expect more family or friends to visit due to other holiday commitments. Families, including mine, are scattered across the country and travel over the holidays can be stressful and expensive (and these days, air travel is becoming more unreliable and troublesome). That lack of visitors is a little disappointing because I enjoy the social engagement and camaraderie of the holidays: it is a wonderful time to share our blessings and enjoy the goodness of all with others.
But just because some of us don’t have family visiting, why does that mean we can’t share the joy and excitement of the season with others?
Several years ago in a different community, I hosted an inaugural Community Christmas Potluck Dinner at the First Presbyterian Church. It was an immediate success, drawing dozens of residents, families, and friends. I was able to host two more such dinners, and now that I have established more significant ties to this community, I want to do it again, so let’s do it!
My daughter Abigail and I cordially invite you (anyone) to a Community Christmas Dinner at the Flagler Beach City Hall, 105 S. 2 nd Street, Flagler Beach, on Christmas Day (Wednesday, December 25) from 2 p.m. through 5 p.m. Dinner will be available from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. The event is free and open to anyone and everyone.
As with traditional potluck dinners, you are encouraged to bring a dish to pass – make it a family favorite side dish or dessert (if possible, please bring copies of those recipes to share with others). You are also welcomed to come without a dish – adding to the dinner with your participation is appreciated. I’ll work to coordinate several main courses myself or through generous donations of others. You will need to bring your own tableware and beverage. My first dinner was somewhat hastily thrown together, and later efforts were better organized; nonetheless, the relative “spontaneity” of gathering is a joyous celebration.
After staggering through the divisive rhetoric of another political season (and, sadly, preparing for the next two-year barrage), we need to recognize our deeper commonalities in this community rather than the differences exacerbated by others. Our small local community is truly a beautiful place. We often forget that. That daily walk on the beach becomes weekly, monthly, then seasonal. The wonder of a glorious sunrise and the peacefulness of the sunset becomes more and more rare. The time with friends succumbs to the grind of work and routine. Why?
Everyone knows that those moments can be lost and that last moment is not recognized as the “last” until it is too late. Let’s celebrate together on Christmas Day, sharing the joy and the blessings of friendship and community.
1st Community Christmas Dinner. Flagler Beach City Hall, 105 S. 2 nd Street, Flagler Beach, on Christmas Day (Wednesday, December 25) from 2 p.m. through 5 p.m. Bring a dish to share and your tableware. To have some hope of coordination, if willing, please share with me what you will be bringing at comments@cityofflaglerbeach.com. We’ll need everything- main dishes, side dishes, desserts, rolls, etc. We look forward to greeting you soon!
Thank you to the City Commission for allowing me to use the Commission Chambers for this event.

Pat Haight
December 20, 2024 at 9:13 pm
Three of us will be attending pot luck Christmas dinner.
Pat Haight
Chris Healy
Greg Krupey
Bringing veggie platter, cake, turkey.
Thank you for what sounds to be a fun Christmas get together.