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2024 Election

FCSO Threatens Legal Action Against Danko for ‘Misleading’ Ad Implying Staly Endorsement

Ed Danko (left) and Sheriff Rick Staly, as depicted in Danko's campaign video.

Ed Danko, the current Vice Mayor of Palm Coast and a candidate for Flagler County Commission, received a cease-and-desist letter from the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office’s general counsel for a video ad in which an endorsement from Sheriff Rick Staly was interpreted as having been implied. Staly has not endorsed Danko nor any other local candidates, and while Danko’s video doesn’t explicitly claim he has, the FCSO holds that it may mislead voters into thinking otherwise.

The video is recorded by a man who is endorsing Danko: retired Marine Corps Lt. Col. Oliver North. If that name sounds familiar, North is most well-known for his involvement in the Iran-Contra affair, for which he was convicted of three felonies in 1989. Those charges were dismissed by an appeals court in 1991. Since then, he’s regained prominence in conservative politics and advocacy.


North opened the video, posted to Danko’s YouTube channel, by announcing his own endorsement of Danko. Nothing out of bounds there. The portion which gave way to conflict with the FCSO came when North said, “[Danko] endorsed my friend Sheriff Rick Staly and his efforts in reducing crime”. The video shows two photos of Danko and Staly.

The FCSO’s Response Letter:

Mr. Danko:

The Sheriff’s Office is aware your campaign is running an advertisement on YouTube in which you include Lt. Col. Oliver North making a statement which either indicates you had endorsed Sheriff Staly’s campaign, or Sheriff Staly has endorsed you for your election to County Commissioner. The Sheriff’s Chief of Staff has received numerous phone calls from voters seeking clarification. Additionally, in the commercial, you use images of Sheriff Staly to imply he is supporting and/or endorsing your candidacy. As you are aware, both the statements and implications are inaccurate; you did not endorse Sheriff Staly’s campaign, nor has he endorsed you. Sheriff Staly has not endorsed any local candidate for this position.

Florida Statute § 106.143(4) is crystal clear on the use of endorsements. The Statute provides the following:

(4) It is unlawful for any candidate or person on behalf of a candidate to represent that any person or organization supports such candidate, unless the person or organization so represented has given specific approval in writing to the candidate to make such representation. However, this subsection does not apply to:

  • (a) Editorial endorsement by any newspaper, radio or television station, or other recognized news medium.
  • (b) Publication by a party committee advocating the candidacy of its nominees.

While you indicate you did not write the script for the advertisement, you and/or your campaign have promoted it, providing a false narrative and misleading the voters of Flagler County. We demand both you and your campaign immediately cease and desist all uses and references to Sheriff Staly, the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office, and/or the likeness of either in all mediums including, but not limited to, social media, mailers and commercials.

You will not receive another warning letter. Failure to comply will cause this office to take any and all legal action necessary to gain compliance.


Rick Staly, Sheriff

John T. LeMaster, General Counsel

What Happens Next

As of Saturday, the video remains publicly available on Danko’s YouTube page. Danko said Saturday that he hadn’t yet read the letter, and upon being shown its contents offered a brief response. “Go to my website and click on the ‘issues’ tab and you will see right off the bat where I state that I fully support Sheriff Staly.” he said. “To me, that’s an endorsement of him and his great department. I have also told every audience I have addressed that I endorse [the] sheriff.”

One of the two shots of Danko and Staly from the former’s County Commission campaign video.

To Danko’s claim, his website does include a passage affirming his support of Sheriff Staly – but the passage does not specify that Danko was endorsing Staly’s re-election bid (he received no challengers this year, winning by default). “I fully support Sheriff Rick Staly, his outstanding deputies, and hardworking staff,” the website says. “Thanks to Sheriff [Staly], crime has no home in Flagler County.”

It stands to reason that this may be interpreted as not an explicit endorsement of Staly’s campaign, as North claimed in the video, even if it’s implied. Though the distinction seems trivial, Staly’s actions as a sheriff and as a political candidate are bound to strict ethical codes, as are any elected official, barring him from blending them. Thus, Staly the sheriff and Staly the candidate function as separate entities in every effective sense. Though the FCSO couldn’t be reached for comment on Saturday, they quite likely don’t view Danko’s website posting as meeting the threshold of a written endorsement as he claims it is.

As for Danko’s verbal endorsement of Sheriff Staly, that may inform voters where he stands on the election – but by the standards set forth in Florida’s election statutes, a political endorsement must be written. His verbal endorsements of Staly would not meet that requirement.

Danko did not specify what actions he may take next, and said he needed to confer with his campaign manager on the issue. As of Saturday the video is still uploaded to his YouTube, and it’s unclear if the FCSO intends to escalate its claim against Danko if he leaves it up indefinitely. The letter did warn, at the very least, that legal action would be the result if they do not receive ‘compliance’ from Danko.

Written By

Chris Gollon is a Flagler County resident since 2004, as well as a staple of the local independent music scene and avid observer of Central Florida politics, arts, and recreation.



  1. Mike Brown

    July 20, 2024 at 7:07 pm

    I don’t believe LTC Oliver North endorsed Danko either. He probably doesn’t even know him!!!

    • Florida Patriot

      July 21, 2024 at 1:32 pm

      Why would anyone be surprised by Oliver North’s endorsement? One criminal backing another, North was deeply involved in the Iran Contra affair. He just so happened to be low enough on the command that they scape goated him.
      Later the courts cleared his conviction for being a good dutiful soldier.

      • BK

        July 27, 2024 at 9:17 am

        What crime did Ed Danko commit? You are stating he is a criminal (“One criminal backing another…”.) You, on the other hand, appear to be committing libel, which is not a crime but a tort. To be clear, I don’t know Danko or live in Palm Coast so I don’t have an opinion one way or another as far as his character goes, but I see nothing that indicates he is a criminal. To the point of the article, I think he should simply say “I support the job our sheriff is doing,” if that is how he feels. It conveys the idea that he supports a tough-on-crime philosophy which certainly would distinguish him from other officials in this country.

  2. TR

    July 20, 2024 at 9:48 pm

    What the heck was Danko thinking? Apparently he didn’t think it all the way through or he would have realized it wasn’t going to go the way he wanted.

    Pulling a stunt like this to mislead people will definitely hurt him in the election. He should just bow out now.

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