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Flagler Beach

Cunningham, Sherman Win Flagler Beach Municipal Election; Mealy Ousted After 19 Years

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The March municipal elections in Flagler County are complete, with races being held in both Bunnell and Flagler Beach for two open seats on each city’s City Commission. John Cunninham and James Sherman were victorious in Flagler Beach, while David Atkinson and Dean Sechrist won the day in Bunnell. Cunningham and Sherman will join fellow city commissioners Eric Cooley, Scott Spradley, and Rick Belhumeur on the Flagler Beach dais, plus Mayor Patti King.

James Sherman has been chosen for a second three-year term on the Flagler Beach City Commission, having been initially elected in 2022. He ousted Commissioner Rick Belhumeur in his first bid, before Belhumeur eventually won his seat back in the 2023 elections. Sherman said on Tuesday that he firmly plans on not running for a third term when his next one expires in 2028. He didn’t entirely rule out seeking higher office, but said it wasn’t an immediate priority.


“I’m pleasantly surprised with the results of the election,” Sherman said by phone Tuesday night. “I’m excited to work with our soon-to-be Commissioner Cunningham. I think he’s gonna be a great addition to our board. I’m looking forward to serving another three years as a city commissioner here in Flagler Beach.”

John Cunningham won his first term on the Flagler Beach City Commission on Tuesday, unseating Jane Mealy from office. Bearing no relation to multiple-time candidate Bob Cunningham, the newly-chosen John Cunningham spent much of his Tuesday outside waving signs and talking to voters. A U.S. Navy veteran, Cunningham has touted himself as a stormwater and environmental expert who would be indispensable to the City Commission in matters of flooding and storm surge.

Jane Mealy, one of Flagler County’s longest-tenured elected officials missed out on reaching two decades in office due to Tuesday’s results. Mealy was first elected in 2006, and ever since she had routinely come out ahead of whatever competition has sought to unseat her. On Tuesday, Mealy sat outside Commissioner Scott Spradley’s law office where she recharged her oxygen while sign-waving.

“I can’t say I’m surprised,” Mealy said Tuesday evening. “There was always that lingering thought that I could lose. I don’t know if it’s my age or my health. I don’t know what it was, maybe just time for somebody new, but the people have spoken and I’m sure that the two who won will do a great job for the city.” Mealy confirmed that she will not be seeking another term in subsequent years.

“I want to wish her well and tell her thank you for serving all those years,” Sherman said of Mealy. “It was a pleasure working with her. Over the past three years as a commissioner she has been someone that really stood up for what she believed in.”


  • John Cunningham – 40.57% – 710 ELECTED
  • Jane Mealy (i) – 23.71% – 415
  • James Sherman (i) – 35.71% – 625 ELECTED


  • David Atkinson – 29.19% – 235 ELECTED
  • L. Amanda Crosby Hawkins – 13.54% – 109
  • Bonita Robinson – 20.25% – 163
  • Dean Sechrist – 28.32% – 228 ELECTED
  • David Wilhite – 8.70% – 70

Written By

Chris Gollon is a Flagler County resident since 2004, as well as a staple of the local independent music scene and avid observer of Central Florida politics, arts, and recreation.

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