Background: Janet McDonald Visited Matanzas SAT Testing, Instructed A Mask Option Against College Board Policy
On December 4th, School Board member Janet McDonald visited an SAT testing site at Matanzas High School before testing began. She instructed test coordinators and proctors that students had the option to wear a mask or to forego one during testing; this assertion clashed with mandatory policy laid out by the College Board, who sanction SAT testing nationwide.
Now, according to a statement sent out by the College Board, students’ tests won’t be automatically invalidated as was previously speculated. But they will have the option to retake the test free of charge if they feel the incident on the 4th negatively affected their performance. The retake will be on December 18th at Matanzas High School. A time of day has not been confirmed yet by initial sources.
The College Board’s announcement is as follows:
“When you took the SAT on December 4th, 2021, there was a problem that may have affected some students. Because of this, you may choose to either release your score (if you believe your performance wasn’t affected) or retest at no additional charge. You can’t view your score to determine which option you prefer.“
Students who are comfortable sticking with their scores from Saturday’s testing session will not be required to do anything; their scores will be released on December 18th if they don’t opt to participate in the retake.
When asked, McDonald defended her assertions by stating that masks limit oxygen intake and thus cognitive function, a statement widely disputed by leading medical and scientific establishments including the Mayo Clinic.
McDonald also stated she made no recommendations to students directly, only addressing them to wish them luck on their test that morning. A College Board coordinator on-hand estimated 70%-80% of students did not wear masks during testing as a result of McDonald’s visit.
The policy by the College Board regarding masks states: “As part of check-in, students and staff must agree to wear a mask while at the test location and during testing. Students will need to remove their mask for ID verification during check-in. Students who don’t agree to this requirement will be dismissed.”
This story is still developing and new information will be added as it becomes available.
UPDATE 12:04pm: The Flagler School District has stated that they were unaware of the College Board’s plans to hold a retake at MHS when the announcement was made public.
UPDATE 1:48pm: According to district spokesperson Jason Wheeler, Matanzas High School is available for SAT retakes if the College Board wishes to do so, but the school district has yet to receive contact from the College Board asking to do so. The announcement sent out to parents and students appears to be the College Board’s only communication on the issue thus far.
UPDATE 2:38pm: Students retaking the test should get to MHS at 7:45am on the 18th.
Chris Gollon is a Flagler County resident since 2004, as well as a staple of the local independent music scene and avid observer of Central Florida politics, arts, and recreation.

December 10, 2021 at 11:26 pm
It’s stressful enough when having to take the SAT test. Now because of a selfish and unacceptable act by McDonald, some students have to take the test again if they choose to. If she would have kept her butt away the stress these students went through would be over and they could enjoy the holidays. But noooooo, now they loose another week of relaxing before the holidays because McDonald couldn’t stay away.
Roy Redford
December 13, 2021 at 9:13 am
Your comment is worthy of cancerous Soros sponsored website It’s full of hate and desire to turn our state into another CA by slandering duly elected officials in the county and replacing them with Soros’ puppets.
Janet McDonald wanted to help students, to release them from that ridiculous mask mandate that does nothing health wise but create fear of other people around you. Even if she broke chain of command by going to the testing place instead of College Board we need to thank people like her that show bravery, not submissiveness in the face of medical tyranny we all face today.
December 13, 2021 at 2:12 pm
Missed the point, but I can’t support anyone who does whatever they want and disrupts the system. Maybe you’re the cancer soros puttet you speak of along with McDonald in believing McDonald didn’t do anything wrong. I will not thank anyone who does wrong regardless if she’s elected or appointed. I didn’t vote for her. Thanks for playing.