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Flagler Beach

Friday Footnotes with Dale Martin: November 1st, 2024

Editor’s Note: Flagler Beach City Manager Dale Martin publishes, from time to time, a report he calls ‘Friday Footnotes’ updating residents on current happenings and topics in Flagler Beach.

This is the November 1st, 2024 edition of that report, published here with his cooperation.


By: Flagler Beach City Manager Dale Martin

Last year, through the efforts of Bunnell Police Chief David Brannon, marked the return of a Flagler County Veterans Day Parade. With the success of last year’s parade, it is expected that this year’s event will be more impressive and well-attended: over sixty entries and an estimated 2,000 lined the parade route from downtown Bunnell to the Flagler County government complex. Flagler Schools bands will add their music to the parading veterans.

The City’s participation was somewhat limited- we had Commissioner James Sherman (United States Marine Corps) driving his vehicle with a few of us in the bed of the truck. We invite any Flagler Beach resident veterans to join us in this year’s parade. If you are interested, please meet at City Hall at 7:30 AM (parade line-up starts at 8:00 AM). The parade begins at 10:00 AM. Following the parade, a Veterans Day ceremony will be conducted, following by a community barbeque picnic.

It has become awkward to remember how long ago my military service occurred- now over thirty years ago. I took a somewhat roundabout path into the Army, completing my initial basic training following my freshman year in college in 1982, but not returning to complete my Reserve Officer Training Corps classroom and field training until 1989 when I pursued my Master’s degree. I was somewhat older than most of my lieutenant peers when I arrived at my duty station in Schweinfurt, Bavaria, Germany in 1991. I served for only four years, returning to civilian life in 1994.

I learned much about myself, the soldiers with whom I served (a few of which remain in contact), the duties of an officer, the traditions of the Army, and the values of our country. None of those things were perfect. I was never in combat and perhaps that skews my perspective that I would unhesitatingly serve again. The training was exceptionally challenging, as it was expected to be, but I was able to have experiences with others from exceptionally varied backgrounds that fewer and fewer Americans get to share and bond.

As we reach another Election Day next week and the political divisions grow deeper, I truly believe that whomever is elected President of the United States, the Commander-in-Chief, that the ideals and values of this nation remain worth serving and defending.

Next year will mark the eightieth anniversary of the end of the greatest global conflict, World War II. The veterans of that era are passing rapidly. I hope the experiences of those veterans are not lost on future generations.

I vividly remember the first time that I heard the National Anthem wearing a uniform of the United States- it was the ceremonial 200th anniversary of the creation of the Purple Heart award. I will never forget that moment- I am reminded every time I see the American flag. That flag and for what it stands are what led me to become a veteran.

Again, Flagler Beach resident veterans are invited to join me and others in the Flagler County Veterans Parade on November 11. Please come to City Hall at 7:30 AM to coordinate our travel to the parade.

Please vote on November 5.

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