Palm Coast – The City of Palm Coast will hold a public meeting on Monday, Feb. 15, to share details about reconstruction plans to the Whiteview Parkway.
This meeting will be from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Feb. 15 at the City Hall Community Wing Council Chambers, 160 Lake Ave. Palm Coast, FL 32164. The public is invited to attend, and residents and property owners are encouraged to attend, review plans and ask questions. A Design Consultant and City Traffic Staff will be present to answer any questions and follow up with public comments.
As the City of Palm Coast continues to grow, and roadways become busier, the City is always striving to meet the challenges of maintaining and improving roadway safety for all users. The objective of these projects is to benefit motorists and bicyclists/pedestrians.
For more information, please contact City Traffic Engineer Michael Grunewald at 386-986-3740 or
This meeting and presentation will be for the purposes of discussing and answering questions related to the Whiteview Pkwy. Reconstruction project only. For other matters and questions please contact Customer Service at customer-service@palmcoastgov.
February 10, 2022 at 6:23 pm
The city council already discussed this I believe a year ago and after a discussion. the city council decided to sixty nine the idea of expanding the roadway to four lanes. Two in each direction. Now they want to start again. What a waste of time. How about reprogramming the traffic lights throughout the city that backs up traffic all over the place. Priorities.