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Man Arrested After Reportedly Fleeing Deputies, Crashing and Running

Baggett as he's arrested in the woods off of CR-304. Ⓒ FCSO


BUNNELL – Hastings resident James Baggett was arrested on Tuesday after reportedly leading Flagler Sheriff’s deputies on a lengthy chase, the FCSO says. The pursuit took place in the western area of the county, and resulted in damage to local farmland.

The incident started during an attempt at a routine traffic stop by deputies around the intersection of Haw Creek Road and County Road 304. Deputies say the vehicle, driven by Baggett, accelerated away and veered off into a field.


From here, the vehicle is said to have come back onto the road with a speed in the triple digits. The circumstances of how are unclear, but the vehicle was soon found flipped upside down on the side of CR-304. A female passenger had minor injuries from the flip, and a witness advised that the driver had taken off on foot.

Soon thereafter, Baggett was found in the woods reportedly trying to hide behind a palmetto bush. He was arrested by deputies without any further drama, and bodycam footage of the arrest shows a deputy removing a hypodermic needle and what is the agency is describing as MDMA (a.k.a. ecstasy) from his pocket.

The passenger was not arrested, saying she didn’t know why Baggett ran from the deputies. Baggett was cuffed and booked on charges of Aggravated Fleeing w/ Injury or Damage, Leaving the Scene of a Crash w/ Injury, Driving w/ Suspended/Revoked License, Reckless Driving w/ Damage to Person/Property, MDMA Possession, Drug Paraphernalia Possession, and three counts of violating his probation. He was booked into the county jail with no bond.

Prior charges in Putnam County for Baggett include burglary, larceny, fraud, dealing in stolen property, and multiple drug charges. Part of the conditions of his inmate release from Putnam were that he not drive or possess illegal drugs. He had no criminal history in Flagler County before this incident.

The following video was made available by the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office:

Written By

Chris Gollon is a Flagler County resident since 2004, as well as a staple of the local independent music scene and avid observer of Central Florida politics, arts, and recreation.



  1. TR

    January 5, 2023 at 10:04 pm

    Apparently this dirtbag has no respect for the law by violating his probation. Keep him locked up this time and let him rot in jail for as long as possible. He had his second chance after the first time he got caught, he ruined that.
    Stupid is as stupid does.
    Glad the passenger didn’t get hurt worse than she did.

    • Stephanie

      January 6, 2023 at 6:48 am

      You must not know anything about addiction. It is sad what addiction does to everyone it touches. He doesn’t need jail, he needs a good rehab: jail does not rehabilitate, it actually creates worse criminals and addicts. Smarten up people.

      • TR

        January 6, 2023 at 4:13 pm

        You don’t know what I know about. I know plenty about addiction. Both family members and friends. Let me say it better so you can understand. The first time he did jail time should have opened his eyes to get help so that he doesn’t get caught again. If he didn’t get help (which apparently he did not) to prevent himself from continuing down the wrong road, then that’s on him, his family, friends and anyone else that could intervene and help him and deserves to be locked up for a long time. I did it personally myself at least 5 times during my life so far and all 5 times was very successful in helping get the people I loved get the help they needed. I did not have to pay for anything, It was a decisions they made based on a simple conversation I had with them.
        As far as your last sentence which is directed to me being I’m the only other person to comment on this article, I’m smart enough to know about addition. Maybe some people like yourself needs to look into helping others with an addiction.

    • Susan Fowler

      January 6, 2023 at 6:58 pm

      Yes. Cases like these should make people aware of who’s driving them around. She could have been killed for his reckless behavior. He needs time to think about his actions!!!

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