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Ronald gross
June 27, 2023 at 8:23 pm
It should be up to the tax payers who live and pay state salery along with anyone in state who try stop it. The people pay state employees not moody or gov desantis. We the people
The dude
June 28, 2023 at 6:27 am
So much for “states rights” huh???
They swill their gin, sip their Chardonnay, and guzzle their Modelos, but deny anyone the right to pluck up a weed out of the ground and consume it.
Regardless of what these repressed and authoritarian morons believe, the movie Reefer Madness was not a documentary. Smoking weed does not lead to boogie dancing and intermingling of the races. And even if it did, so TF what?
June 28, 2023 at 7:26 am
By the people n for the people. Yet one official talks for all.
State is afraid to lose money n control
Jeff thrasher
June 28, 2023 at 7:36 am
Medical cannabis has changed the course of my life . I have chronic pain do to 4 different kinds of arthritis including ruemetiod. Tons of prescription drugs and pain killers over.the course of 20 years taking as many as 27 pills a I consume medical cannabis and that is what I go on. Let’s not kid ourselves that big pharma doesn’t have a hand in controlling and regulating this. Time for a change
June 28, 2023 at 2:12 pm
Me being a part of the minority of never ever smoking one joint in my life and I’m over 60yrs old. I don’t see what the benefit of this would be legalizing it. The kids (and adults from the 60s and 70s) who smoked weed on a regular bases have burned out so many brain sells that they are one ones that can not think for themselves. I’m sure there are a few that will say they smoked a lot of weed back in the day and they are doing fine. But can you imagine how much better you would be if you didn’t smoke back in the day. It’s bad enough with the kids of today (teenagers) can not think for themselves without smoking weed. Ad that to the mix and they wouldn’t be able to walk. LOL JMO Marijuana should be used for medical reasons only with a prescription.
The dude
June 29, 2023 at 7:29 am
I have two college degrees, one being computer science, own two homes, have raised 4 kids to adulthood putting the ones that wanted through college debt free (while paying off my own student loans) and I have a 12yo still at home.
I’ve smoked weed since I was a teenager.
Let go of your outdated stereotypes Boomer.
At the very least all I ask is that weed and alcohol be treated equally. More people die each day from alcohol, than from the evil weed.
If we’re banning the weed, then we should also be banning tobacco and alcohol.