2022 Election

Candidate Will Furry is Shown Campaigning at OKES in Violation of District Policy

A screenshot from the video of Furry distributing campaign materials.

FLAGLER BEACH – Will Furry, one of three candidates for the Flagler County School Board’s District 2 seat, was shown to be campaigning for his race at Old Kings Elementary School on Tuesday, in violation of district policy. Code 904 of the Flagler School Policy Manual states that political advertising is prohibited on school grounds. Furry is shown on tape distributing brochures at OKES while wearing campaign apparel and displaying his campaign sign in a parked car.

Flagler School Public Information Officer Jason Wheeler stated that a 5th grade promotion ceremony was taking place at the time, and that Furry may have come to the campus to watch. At a candidates’ forum in April hosted by Moms for Liberty, Furry stated that he has an 11 year-old child who attends Old Kings.


Photo courtesy of Rogue Flagler Schools.

The apparent policy violation was initially posted to social media by Rogue Flagler Schools, a Twitter activist account geared toward Flagler Schools issues. The incident was also pointed out in Flagler Parents, a private Facebook group.

The original source of the videos and photos is unknown, but they were taken on-location at Old Kings. Further photos confirmed that it was campaign brochures which were being distributed by Furry.

Wheeler stated that no action would be taken by Flagler Schools as a result of the infraction, as none is outlined in written procedure. He also stated that OKES Principal Nicole Critcher was not aware of Furry’s campaigning as has been suggested on social media, and said she would’ve intervened had she not been at the promotion ceremony.

The district policy which prohibits political advertising.

The Flagler Elections Office has also been made aware, and has said it will be sending a reminder to candidates of the policy in question. It too has no disciplinary recourse to any policy violations by any candidates.

Furry has been reached for comment via phone, and stated that due a present commitment he’d be able to consider commenting via email later in the day. AskFlagler will add these comments to the article once they’re sent in.


  1. TR

    May 24, 2022 at 5:26 pm

    Furry should have his name removed from the ballot. He knew what was allowed and not allowed as a candidate. All candidates know what is allowed and not allowed when they register as a candidate for any office. So Furry may be the highest qualified candidate for the school board (I don’t know because I haven’t checked yet) But because of his actions that he doesn’t think he doesn’t have to follow the rules, I will cast my vote for someone else. Because of his actions he shows that he doesn’t care about the rules, so why should everyone believe he will do what’s best for the kids in the schools.

    But then again, I believe that any champaign signs can only be placed in designated area throughout the county and yet there are signs all over the place. The biggest violator is Mullins. Also will ot get my vote.

    • Jessico Bowman

      May 25, 2022 at 12:44 am

      Then so should Courtney. She knew this was violated in October when she had kids make her campaign shirts in a classroom. She then used these very items for political advertisement and fundraising.

      PS. There is no punishment for violation of this SBP. However, let’s hope Courtney properly expensed her in the classroom advertisement workshop in her campaign finance filings.

      • TR

        May 25, 2022 at 6:53 am

        I agree. However I hate when there are rules (or laws) in place for people to follow and then when they are broken or not followed there is no punishment/consequences for braking them. That is a big problem across the board in this country. If there were hard punishments/consequences for braking the rules then there would be less BS going on.

        • Jessico Bowman

          May 25, 2022 at 2:04 pm

          Yeah, I agree! However, this policy applies to Flagler District Staff not private citizens it appears. Courtney and Sally Hunt campaigns have been doing campaign giveaways to teachers/staff that liked her campaign page to qualify. I just feel like this article is nonsensical since it appears the policy doesn’t apply to canvassing a car rider line when your kid attends this school and why wasn’t it a big deal when a classroom designed and made T-shirts for a former person in Flagler County School District staff, teacher, Courtney. Courtney continues to use these shirts to fundraise for donations and advertise. I think it is very inappropriate having students, regardless of it being an entrepreneurial class, create campaign shirts for a candidate. You’re right that there needs to be more done here!

  2. The dude

    May 24, 2022 at 8:18 pm

    Rules don’t apply to him.

    A MAGAt?

    • TR

      May 24, 2022 at 9:55 pm

      Useless comment. ALL Candidates regardless of political side have to follow the same rules.

      • Jessico Bowman

        May 25, 2022 at 12:46 am

        Agreed so where was this outrage in October? No political advertisement. This means no campaign t-shirts being made and designed by students in a classroom!

        • The dude

          May 25, 2022 at 9:10 am

          I was unaware that children who are young enough to be in a classroom could vote?

          Now the adults, Mr. Furry was approaching and trying to hand his campaign literature to while they stood patiently in line to see their kids promoted to 6th grade, I’m pretty sure most of them can vote.

          • Concerned Parent

            May 26, 2022 at 9:00 am

            Courtney also campaigned in classrooms by bringing gifts and campaign materials to teachers and bus drivers.

      • The dude

        May 25, 2022 at 7:01 am

        I too feel MAGAts are useless.

        17 dead kids and one dead teacher in Texas would concur.

        While our Flagler MAGAts are fighting for more guns everywhere, more book burnings, and promising to protect us from the trans kids, mass shootings are becoming a daily occurrence.

        • The dude

          May 25, 2022 at 7:21 am

          Sorry… I stand corrected.

          It’s actually 19 dead children and 2 dead teachers.

          • Concerned Parent

            May 26, 2022 at 9:02 am

            Nice. Using the death of kids to push a political narrative.

  3. Tim Sharp

    May 25, 2022 at 1:35 am

    It’s ironic that Courtney V campaigns at every school board meeting. Let’s make the field level.

    • Concerned Parent

      May 26, 2022 at 9:04 am

      The race has never been a level playing field. Lance Alred has and continues to be the most qualified candidate.

      But yeah, if Ask Flagler doesn’t report on Courtney’s campaign violations, then it’s pretty clear that there’s no honesty in media.

      • The dude

        May 26, 2022 at 5:14 pm

        Mr Alred seems a little too preoccupied with protecting us from the trans kids to really be able to effectively focus on what Flagler County Schools actually need. He seems nice enough though.

        • Concerned Parent

          May 26, 2022 at 9:07 pm

          If you’re referring to the false claim about his wife, I hope that you seek accurate information. Randall Bertram who is running for office falsely claimed that Brandie had made disparaging comments about trans kids in her classroom. It was a conversation among kids in her classroom that she did not participate in. One of the students who was trans and running for homecoming court had heard this through hearsay and made a complaint. Randall Bertram was in the principals office when the complaint was made. After the school investigated and multiple kids came to say that Brandie was never engaged in that conversation, the investigation was dropped. Unfortunately Randall would rather smear a good persons name for political advancements.

          The Alred family is incredibly loving to all people. You will also find that that student who made the claim based on a rumor is in her class now and adores Mrs. Alred. She would’ve had every right to come forward with the truth and name people who were bad actors and Deas, but she did not want to drag that child and the family through mud. They are certainly honorable. You I hope you get solid sources going forward.

          • The dude

            May 29, 2022 at 6:57 am

            Yeah… no.

            I was referring to a number comments Mr. Alred himself made on Nextdoor when he announced his candidacy.

            Outside of those comments, he seems nice enough. And I truly appreciate his answer to what he feels needs focus in Flagler Schools, “Academic Success”.

            But this area’s history of stealth right wing culture warriors campaigning moderately, yet governing as extremist, gives me pause.

            Then there’s this ethical campaign pledge thing. As a devout Christian man, I don’t understand why he refuses to simply promise to run a clean campaign. It’s non binding, it’s pretty much common sense, and somewhat scriptural “do unto others” and all that. By not signing, Mr. Alred stands squarely with Mullins, Danko, and Woolbright.

  4. Kathy

    May 25, 2022 at 7:18 am

    This clearly reflects how Will Furry will operate on the board. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. Obviously, Will took advantage of of the situation, he was there as a parent and not a candidate. He violated the rules and approach other parents during the graduating event. Both him and Courtney should be held accountable for their actions. If this does not raise a red flag for parents then do not complains when these two candidates go Rouge after they are elected. We need to do better for our kids, we are the adults and need to follow the rules.

  5. The dude

    May 25, 2022 at 9:13 am


    No “appears” about it. I was there, I was approached by him directly and asked to consider him as a candidate.

  6. Pissed in PC

    October 25, 2022 at 7:43 pm

    Another that has no business or experience to be on the school board. He’s just another MAGAt that thinks rules and laws don’t apply to him. He wouldn’t even show up to the candidates forum cause he got wind of being questioned about his finances and he didn’t want to expose his bankruptcy(s).

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