Flagler Beach

Friday Footnotes with Patti King: January 17th, 2025

Editor’s Note: Flagler Beach City Manager Dale Martin publishes a weekly report he calls ‘Friday Footnotes’ updating residents on current happenings and topics in Flagler Beach. This week, he has referred the duty to Mayor Patti King.

This is the January 17th, 2024 edition of the report, published here with Martin and King’s cooperation.


The City of Flagler Beach was officially incorporated as the Town of Flagler Beach on April 16th, 1925, thereby making this year Flagler Beach’s Centennial. We became the City of Flagler Beach in April of 1963. As with previous notable anniversaries (75th and 90th), City officials look forward to developing and hosting community events to celebrate this very special year.

As 2024 drew to a close, the City Commission adopted a logo to be part of centennial efforts. That logo, as does the City’s official seal, highlights the “A”-frame entrance to the City’s Pier-which is nearly one hundred years old, too. The centennial logo will emblazon official City documents throughout this year.

With the support of the City Commission and the assistance of former Mayor Linda Provencher, I have been joined by a small group of others to prepare and organize a series of events to promote and celebrate Flagler Beach.

An initial project has been spearheaded by Commissioner Rick Belhumeur. Commissioner Belhumeur has advocated for celebratory banners to be placed on the SR100 (Moody Boulevard) bridge to welcome visitors and remind residents of this special anniversary. After reviewing dozens of photos offered by the Historical Museum, eight photographs have been selected for those banners. Other smaller banners with a similar theme will be placed near the Pier and throughout downtown. The goal is to unveil the banners at the Centennial Kick-Off event planned at City Hall on April 16. The kick-off event will be co-hosted by the Flagler Beach Historical Museum.

Other community centennial events will be scheduled monthly through the remainder of this year. Some local organizations, such as the Women’s Club, the Rotary Club, and Flagler Beach Creates have expressed interest in organizing and sponsoring monthly events. Other events will be coordinated with City staff. The monthly centennial events will be family-oriented, with the exception of a Flagler Beach “black-tie-equivalent” gala dinner event. The Centennial celebration will conclude with the City’s New Year’s Eve Surfboard Drop and Fireworks. A list of the special events will be presented on April 16. Other events throughout the year, such as First Friday gatherings, will also highlight the City’s centennial.

Each of the special events has a preliminary Chairperson, but all of these events will require volunteer support: logistics, promotions, and on-site support. I invite anyone interested in assisting with these nearly year-long community festivities to contact me (pking@cityofflaglerbeach.com) or the City (comments@cityofflaglerbeach.com). I look forward to joining residents, businesses, and others in this extraordinary celebration of our City’s incorporation.

Let’s welcome everyone to Flagler Beach and prepare for the next one hundred years!

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